Other Groups and Links you may find interesting
We are not alone in the fight to keep the character of our neighborhoods. There are other groups working for similar causes. Please feel free to check out some of them below
Neighbors For A Better San Diego
The group is currently focused on San Diego’s Transit Priority Area (TPA) map and its application to ADUs, SB 9, Complete Communities, and other city policies that increase density or remove parking requirements based on purported proximity to viable, accessible transit
This development is not unique to the Normal Heights neighborhood. Many areas throughout the city are also experiencing high density growth in their neighborhoods. The city is proposing 56,000 new homes in the University City neighborhood.
Attached is a presentation made by city planner Nathan Causman to the College area planning committee meeting on October 26, 2022 for the college area community plan update. He presented "Blueprint SD" which call for increasing the number of homes from 8,149 to 34,988, more than double the 1989 planned capacity for the area. This proposes densities of from 29 dwelling units (DU's)/acre to up to 145 DU/acre and up to 9 stories.
Note that in their own data, currently people travel by car 95% of the time, and only 3.7% for use public transit at peak hours. They assume transit use will increase to 10% by 2030 and 15% by 2050. And walking/biking will increase from 2.3% to 26% by 2030 and 35% by 2050. Seems very optimistic to say the least.
The London Moeder group, a well respected consulting group, recently published the following article. The article makes the case that the city needs more multibedroom housing, not one bedroom or studio apartments like what is being planned for the Mars project.